FCA Maryland Golf
Tournament FAQ's

FAQ about FCA Maryland Golf tournaments

1. Who can play?

A. Anyone ages 10-18 can play, boys and girls.  You must join FCA Maryland Golf and pay the $100 club registration fee in order to be eligible to play in our tournament schedule.  

2. How are players grouped?

A.  We have two divisions in each tournament: High School Division and Middle School Division.  Those in the high school division have started 9th grade. Those in the middle school division have not yet started 9th grade. 

3.  What tees are tournaments played from?

A. High school division plays from the men's standard white tees.  Middle school division generally plays from a forward set of tees, often the "red" or the set in front of the white (middle) set of tees.

4.  Are girls only events held?

A.  We are hoping to have several girls events in 2025!  The same general guidelines would apply, with high school and middle school divisions (if entries allow for that) and the girls division would play from the red tee markers.  The July 28th event at Winter's Run GC is currently on the schedule and we're excited to see that part of our tournament schedule grow.

5.  Are there prizes for top finishers in the tournaments?

A.  Yes, we generally award prizes to the top 5 finishers in the High School Division and top 3 finishers in the Middle School Division.  All tournaments, boys and girls, include prizes.

6.  What if I sign up for a tournament and I have to withdraw for some reason?

A.  It happens!  We understand.  All we ask is that you make your very best effort to withdraw at least 3 days prior to any event.  We will have our admin process your refund.  This helps us build the tee sheet and also potentially invite players to play off the waiting list.

7.  Are there tournament officials on site at every event?

A.  Yes, we have several FCA Maryland Golf coaches and adult supervisors on hand to facilitate the running of the tournament and handle rules issues, scoring, prize distribution, etc. 

8.  Is there a dress code for tournaments?

A.  Yes, there is.  Players must wear a collared golf shirt, tucked in at all times, and knee length shorts or long pants.  Athletic/gym shorts, swimsuits, etc. can not be worn.  Also, all hats must be worn forward at all times while playing in an FCA Maryland Golf event.

9.  Is there a code of conduct for tournaments?

A.  Yes, very much so.  There is no profanity, cheating or club throwing at an FCA Maryland Golf tournament.  Penalties for violations of those rules will be outlined in the "local rules" sheet handed out prior to each tournament on the first tee, but players face ejection from a tournament for use of profanity, cheating or club throwing.

10.  Are players allowed to bring their own caddies?

A.  Yes, players can use/bring a caddie providing it is NOT a parent or adult family member.  All FCA Maryland Golf events are "walking only". Spectator carts are permitted at some of the courses for a rental fee.  The availability of spectator carts varies from course to course. 

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