Flag Tournament

Monday, October 28, 2024

Eagles Nest Country Club
Phoenix, MD

Welcome to the 7th Annual Maryland FCA Flag Tournament which is put on by our Maryland State Office!

You can register yourself or with a partner, you commit to raise $1,500 ($3,000 per pair),

and you compete to be the top fundraising pair this year! 

Your support helps to grow FCA throughout the state of Maryland by directly supporting Maryland Staff members

such as us. The below links are to support Northern Maryland/Steve Medinger directly.  Thank you SO much! 

 Sponsor the 

Sponsor Registration

Register As 

Golfer Registration

 Select "Steve Medinger" in the dropdown.

Sponsor A
Northern MD Golfer

Sponsor A Golfer
Time Schedule:
7:30 AM - Registration, Coffee, Breakfast, Warm-up
8:15 AM - In Carts for Round 1
8:30 AM - Round 1 - Alternate Shot (front 9) with Putting Contest (10ft)/Scramble (Back 9)
10:00 AM - Coffee/Snack Break, Ministry Moment
10:30 AM - Round 2 - Alternate Shot (front 9) with Putting Contest (10ft)/Scramble (Back 9)
12:00 PM - Lunch, Ministry Moment
12:30 PM - Round 3 - Better Ball (Front 9)/ Par 3 Contest and Putting Round Combined (Back 9)
2:00 PM - Drinks/Snack Break, Ministry Moment
2:30 PM - Round 4 - Better Ball (Front 9)/ Par 3 Contest and Putting Round Combined (Back 9)
4:00 PM - Drinks/Snack Break, Ministry Moment
4:30 PM - Putting Contest
5:00 PM - Dinner and Prizes


Eagle's Nest Country Club

12801 Stone Hill Rd, Pheonix, MD, 21131 US

Thank you for your support!

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